20th Annual Good Friday Vigil Against the Death Penalty

SIOUX FALLS: For 20 years, groups that work for alternatives to the death penalty have gathered for a Good Friday vigil on the grounds of the South Dakota State Penitentiary in opposition to the Death Penalty.

This year on Friday, April 14, advocates will gather from NOON to 1:00 pm, near the flagpole by the east side parking lot, to offer prayers for the end of this form of retribution, and both for those who are victims and for those who commit the crimes. Homilies will be shared by Father Jim Bream, from the Catholic Diocese, and by Sarah Caine, a minister from All Souls UU Church. A number of denominations and faiths have positions against the death penalty.

The public is invited to pray, sing, and hear messages of hope in this interfaith service. An opportunity will be offered for those wishing to sign a “Declaration of Life.”